Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Learning about fish part 1

We took a little break from Swimming Creatures of the Fifth day for a little bit, but we have picked it back up for the summer.  We started back into it with Chapter 6--Fish!  I skipped a few chapters because I wanted to get into the fish first since the boys requested to learn more about Fish.  They had started fish lapbooks recently, so it seemed like a good place to start. 


I picked up this magnetic fishing set at Lakeshore. I decided it was necessary for our upcoming fish unit, and that we must have it (wink!).  I have some fun ideas for games with it.


 It was fun fishing one morning before we sat down to read.


I found this game on pinterest I think.  It was a big hit with my little guy. He worked hard to get those bubbles all lined up.


He petered out at around 12 though.



Those fish were pretty fun to make too!


This is the last thing I have pictures for right now, but we have done a ton more.

We made these tissue paper fish kites.  They turned out pretty cute, and remind me of windsocks.


 I'll post some more pictures of the lapbooks when they are closer to being done. Also, we are going on a fishing trip this week, maybe we'll have something interesting to show from that too!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost