Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekly wrap up--Bubble fun!

We are in summer mode here, which means fun but also a little learning too.  We have been spending the week signing up for reading programs at the library, swimming at the local pool, and planning some fun activities.

Our summer learning will consist of the basics math, reading, and science.  It really helps that the Wilsonville summer reading program has a science element to it. So, we jumped into some science explorations last week.

One of them included bubbles. We decided to paint with bubbles one day.  It turned out to be blowing in the straw experience, and my boys loved it.  I never let them blow into their straws, but I let them do this. They were thrilled.  I wish the pictures could capture the hummmm along with the blowing in these pictures.



The finished pictures.  Clearly this was not about the end product, but the process that we were after here.  I did cut out the bubbles and put them up on our pin board to put pictures of our summer fun on. Turned out pretty cute.


It made some fun designs though.


I like the effect of the bubbles it left on the edge here.


We made some bubble wands out of pipe cleaners one day.  Those things work awesome, even with store bought bubbles. 


We made some pretty big bubbles with those pipe cleaner wands.


And so much easier for little people to blow in.


blow after blow after blow...


What I worked on this week:

This is what I worked on this week.  I have so many areas that I need to learn and grow in too!  I created this nature study journal page.  I loved these tall purple flowers, and the picture I had of them was perfect for this nature journal with a photo journal page challenge.


I have also started liking the idea of learning how to do zentangle doodles.  I am clearly a beginner and this was all made up by me after looking at some samples that others had done. This is what I came up with since we have so many holidays involving flags right now. I wanted to make this into 4th of July cards, but I don't feel like it's card worthy. Also, notice that I changed a design in the stripes because I didn't like the first design I started with.


It was a good week. We also:

  • Spent a day at "girl's camp" where April goes to girls camp. We swam, canoed, and did archery.
  • Went to the local farmers market
  • Looked at the stars and made constellations out of toothpicks and marshmallows
  • Went swimming 5 days with our new swim pass.
  • Dropped and picked up Daddy at the airport for his work trip to Germany.
  • Went to IKEA and had fun.
 How was your week?


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost