Monday, August 24, 2015

Aric's 2nd grade curriculum choices


Aric is 7 years old, 2nd grade

It's that time of year again!  Time to lay out a little of what we will be working on this year for our school choices.  I say a little because I'm sure some things will change throughout the year, and some things will be added.  It's always that way.  I am also trying to keep things simple, so I'm just laying out the basic subjects here.

It really helps me to see what people are doing in their own homeschool for curriculum, and learning choices, so now I am sharing too!

Language arts:

He will be working on Language Smarts Level B for language arts (from last year), Daily 6-trait writing (from last year, that's why it's grade 1), and Star Wars 2nd grade writing.  These are just the formal workbooks I have for him.  I will give him lots of other opportunities for writing through journaling and copywork.


All about reading Level 2 will be started after he finishes All about Reading level 1.  He is excited to start this!



He really wanted to do Teaching Textbooks, and I was almost going to do it, but I felt like Saxon math 3 might be a better fit for him this year. We have already started it, and I think it is!  He says he really likes the meeting part, and that's exactly why I was thinking this would be good for him.  It leads to some great hands-on math time.



Exploring Creation with Botany will be our main spine for science this year.  I'm sure I'll just end up picking and choosing chapters to do out of this book because we seem to never have time for the whole thing. With science I like to explore some interests too, so we end up doing a lot of stuff the boys are interested in.


I love having the notebooking journals to go along with them, this will be Aric's.


As a supplement to other science subjects that are not botany related we will work through some of this: Evan Moore, skill sharpeners grade 2. This is to give us some other activities and ideas of other areas of science to explore.


I have the science kit for Sonlight science level B, so we have stuff for all kinds of experiments we never got to. Since we aren't doing the sonlight this year, I thought it would be fun to just do all the experiments in the discover and do DVD we have.  It might be a Friday fun thing or something for us.



I have 2 art choices for him. We love to do art around here, so I want lots to choose from!

The first is Home art studio second grade DVD, and I got the Holiday arts and crafts free since I bought the 2nd and 4th grade DVD's. So he will work through these.


The next choice is ARTistic pursuits. This is an ongoing book for him, he started this book last year, and I want to continue it this year.


Geography and history:

 We are going to make our way through the states for geography and history this year.  I hope to use these highlights which way usa books I've collected, and other resources.  I love the state maps that came with these Highlights books! I think we will try to study some US history along the way. We may also still pick up Story of the World volume 1, but I'm not sure it's going to be more study than just reading the book or listening to the CD's.


I think that wraps up the more formal part of his focus this year. We of course include many more  types of learning opportunities like nature studies, co-op and group activities, games and playing.

Coming soon: Preschool, 4th grade, and 9th grade curriculum choices.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost