Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Camping at Barview Jetty

I completely forgot to take my camera with me on this camping trip, but I did have the ipad so I got a few shots with it. It is kinda big and awkward to carry around an ipad for pictures, but hey I got something!

We had a campout with our church ward family in mid-August out at the Oregon coast. This campground, Barview Jetty, wasn't our favorite campground. But, the fun was being there with friends. The only time we have experienced rain this summer was this 2 days at the coast!

 We cooked 2 dutch oven meals during this camping trip.  
The first night was lasagna and biscuits.

 All the kids were hungry at this point.

 April brought some fall clothes that she hadn't had a chance to try out yet because it has been so warm in the valley.  It was cool enough on the coast to dress warm!


 We hit up the Tillamook cheese factory on the rainiest Friday morning.


 Of course everybody else visiting the coast did too...


 Our little farmer and cow, aww how cute!


 Watching the cheese being packaged.


 The one picture that I got of the water.


So the next dutch oven dinner was for the potluck that we were supposed to join everyone else from church for.  Well, ours took too long to cook, so none of these ovens ever made it to the potluck.  It was chicken and dumplings, brownies, and rice. Oh well, it all turned out yummy as we ate it after dark.  All the kids came and raided the brownies later though.

This is the chicken and dumplings...

And, the brownies.  Yumm! So fun to have while camping.

It was a fun and fast camp trip.  We hope to make it out to the coast again for another camping trip before bad weather arrives.


1 comment:

  1. I like camping because in campus we learn new things in an entertaining way as custom assignment writing service.This is the best way to improve knowledge and skills.I prefer summer camps.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost