Saturday, November 7, 2015

9th grade curriculum choices

Most of the books she'll be using this year.

Here we are in November already, and I haven't posted about April's high school plan yet. Since I have done her first progress report for her charter school I thought it'd be good to share now that we've figured out what will stay and what will go.

Most of what she started with is working. The only thing that is going to change is her science. We are going to drop the apologia Physical Science, and she'll probably do an online course.

Here are her plans for 9th grade:
History (1.0 credit):
BYU independent study: World History


Math (1.0 credit):
Teaching textbooks: Algebra
Supplement: Life of Fred Algebra
Pyramid project with Life Academy

Her Teaching textbooks curriculum
This is a book she'll be reading for Pyramid project class. This class is a math and science based class where students learn to seek out truth using logic, science and math. This is one of the many books she'll be reading for the class.
Intelligro math is another she'll be reading for Pyramid project. (Actually, at this point of posting I think she has already read it.)

Physical Education (1.0 credit):
Daily log of physical activities throughout the year 
Kroc center pass through charter school 
Music elective (1.0 credit):
Violin lessons

Amadeus Retreat 017
April at the orchestra retreat. Can you find her?

Science (1.0 credit):

English (1.0 credit):
Shakespeare class at co-op
Writing with skill: level 1

They are studying macbeth this semester. Next semester they will study the play that they will be performing in the spring.

On top of all this she'll also be doing:
Nature studies
Early morning seminary
and whatever else we find interesting along the way!


  1. Looks like a good year! Why is she dropping Apologia?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. She was doing that science last year, and didn't get very far so I thought we could just continue it. I think I've figured out why she doesn't do it, she just doesn't like it. I just think she needs a change. I love the apologia, but I don't think it fits her anymore. I think she'll do better with some sort of online course.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost