Monday, November 9, 2015

Puzzles explosion!

It all started with a friend's post on facebook. It was a picture of her puzzle in progress. That reminded me that I really like puzzles and haven't done one for a while. But, I just don't have anywhere to keep them while in progress. That's when I had an idea...why not bring in the long table and just leave it up? Yes, it takes up too much room in our already small living room, but I figure it can be taken down when it becomes a nuisance.

Well, several weeks later it's still up! And, I have finished a puzzle! This one right here...


 Of course while that one was in progress Alex did several of his own on the other side of the table right along with me. But, as soon as I finished mine and cleared the table for what I thought would be the last puzzle for a while the big boys decided they wanted to take it over. Here they are building puzzles which is something I've always wanted them to enjoy doing!


 They have pulled out several of our old puzzles. Even some of April's old ones. I didn't even get a picture of all the puzzles they have done. Now they suddenly want new ones for Christmas!


 They are getting quicker and sitting down to do them more often which I love. These busy boys have needed a focus and this has been perfect. I don't know how much longer the puzzle building frenzy will last, but I'll take it while I can.


 Thanks Bethany for inspiring all of us!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost