Monday, November 16, 2015

Time Out For Women 2015

It was an amazing weekend at time out for women, and time out for girls, as always. Great friends, great speakers, great music, and a great feeling of being united in purpose with such a large group of women is so powerful and uplifting.

April invited her friend M. along. These girls had a blast. They enjoyed the girls sessions, and the excitement of it all.


 A picture from my seat on Friday night. Yes, I had to crane my head a little to get a good view sometimes, but it was still great.


 This was one of the girls' favorite parts, meeting some of the presenters and musicians. Here is one of the music groups that performed throughout the conference, Gentri. They were pretty good! It was my first time hearing them. I included a youtube video of one of the songs they sang down below. Listen to it, it's even better with the video, so sweet!


 A picture of the carpet at the Portland Convention center, because it's just kind of cool looking.


 My companion for the conference was my mother-in-law. I had realized that we never got a picture of us, ever, so it was a must at this fun event.

 We had to wait in a long line to meet this one. This is Calee Reed. Her song about her Mother is so sweet, and I shared it at the bottom. Beautiful singer.


My take home package. I think I like going just for the bag! Just kidding, it's just a nice benefit, we love getting the bags each year. I picked up the books at the book sale they have at the conference.


I also picked up this journal, but forgot to include it in the above picture.




Callee Reed...

Those videos are just a very small dose of the uplifting stories and music we heard. Such a great experience!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost