Saturday, December 12, 2015

Outdoor Mom's Journal: Vasquez rocks

I am longing to get outdoors more, but it just isn't happening as much as I'd like in December. However last month we visited a really beautiful place while visiting California, the Vasquez Rocks natural area. The kids climbed all over these rocks! They were just in heaven. I'd like to say that if we lived close to this it would be a place we'd hike/play around often.

We went on Thanksgiving day in the morning. It was a little chilly, but not too bad. The skies were mostly clear, and pretty perfect as far as weather. We weren't prepared that morning to really go on a long hike, but the kids went pretty far still.

All the rocks were just so neat to admire.
 This part was pretty steep. I didn't want to go up too far with my camera, and I might of gotten a little weak in the knees at the thought of going up that high. Someday I hope to be over my fear of heights! But, it wasn't this day.


 There wasn't much greenery, but this was fun to find in the midst of all the rock. Not sure what it is. I might look it up sometime.


 April loved this place. This is her kind of place to explore!


 We were there with cousins. That makes it even more fun! Love these kids!


Whoa, good thing I wasn't around when this picture was taken. My heart might have skipped a few beats. Probably not as bad as it looks, but this kid has no fear.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost