Saturday, February 13, 2016

STEM Saturday--random stem fun

I am going to start something new! I'd like to focus once in a while on what we are doing in the area of science, technology, engineering and math. We have had some fun the past few weeks, and I didn't want to miss sharing about these fun activities.

First, we have water pipe building at OMSI. The boys played in this area for a good 45 minutes straight. They have never stayed in this area for so long before, but they all wanted a chance to build with these pipes.


Let me just say, they were all soaked! But, it was fun to see them really working hard and thinking about how to get the water where they wanted the water to go.

Aaron was very proud of his final result!


Math... (puzzle)...

At our co-op they have a math club in the afternoon, and they rotate the ages that are in it. It was Alex's turn to be in it last term, and he just loved this math puzzle they did one day. He got to take the blocks home, so we printed some more of the puzzle patterns out, and  he worked on them at home some more. It was almost too hard, but he persevered and figured out many of the patterns. He continues to love doing these.




Steve Spangler science club:

Aaron received a Box of Steve Spangler science club for his Christmas present from me. It came in January, and he finally got to see what it was all about. He had fun opening it up. He got right to work finding germs around the house because that box's theme was all about germs.




Building a pinewood derby car...

I never got around to posting these pictures of the process of building a pinewood derby car. I didn't get all the steps, just a few.







Filling the holes with weights...


There was also, painting, and lots of work on the wheels. He built a great car this year!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost