Monday, April 11, 2016

Daily Journal #1: sick boy and paper making

Today we made paper for the first time. It was awesome, cool, and fun. Something I've wanted to do for a very long time. Being on the review crew has brought some great blessings in our homeschool, and I'm so thankful for that.

Aaron was the most excited about making paper from the Artistic Pursuits art book we are reviewing. I just love how excited he was about it. That's what makes homeschool so great, when you see your kids light up with something new they've learned or want to explore. And this scene below just warms my heart...


We spent today at Shakespeare rehearsal as it was my day to "help" (which means I get to sit there and watch and just be another adult around). It was fun to see how they are coming along. Hard to believe only about 1 more month until it's showtime. I am impressed at how many lines April has down. I think she has about 260 total lines if I remember correctly. She has a pretty big part this year.


Aric is sick now. He spent most of the day looking like this. Just not well, and on the couch. He even laid on the gym floor while I was helping today. He worked on some Talking fingers (review to come soon) though. I printed up the certificate for him, and told him to hold it. I know he was much more excited than he looks here!


It was a pretty good day for a Monday. Although the dishes have taken over the sink, and the laundry still isn't caught up. I had some dreams about gardening today. I am hoping to get out there with the kids this week. Especially since we are learning about gardens right now.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost