Sunday, April 17, 2016

Golf, cub scouts, and prizes

The past few weeks...


We spent yesterday (Sat.) laying down some bark. It's amazing what a new layer of bark will do to freshen things up!


We have been working on the marble adventure in scouts. I brought Citibloks and marbulous for the boys to build marble mazes and runs. I brought Alex with me so that April would have one less boy to watch. He had fun playing marbles with the big boys. He can hardly wait for cub scouts.


 Aaron and his friend working on a game together. One of the challenges is to make up a game. Aaron had already signed this off, but his friend hadn't.


This is the game that his friend came up with. Aaron was helping him try it out.


I have worked out 4 days this week! And, 5 days the week before. This is a definite improvement from my previous status which was maybe once a week. Trying out the beachbody thing right now. 


April has rehearsals 2 times a week all this month until her play in May. We hung out for my helper day on Monday. Aric was sick so he sat with me. It was a nice relaxing time to just sit and read.


Aric was sick on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. He wasn't up for anything really, but he did manage to do some typing on the Talking Fingers game. He received a certificate, but couldn't really be too excited about it. He was ready for a nap.


 We had a G is for golf theme this week. Sort of. About all we did was paint with golf balls, and I made a sensory bin with golf balls and tees. Time actually being at home is so limited right now with rehearsals, and other things going on.


Painting with golf balls turned out to be a big hit. It makes a cool pattern. Try it sometime!


During one of April's rehearsals we hit up Cold Stone Creamery. It was good. I tried to be strong and not get anything. It didn't work.


Our Woodburn homeschool group had a Spring fair at the library a few Friday's ago. It is a fun activity with stations that involve games, crafts, or activities that have to do with spring. One of the stations was a recycle station complete with prizes, and a grand prize for each age group.


 Guess who won the grand prizes? Both the older boys! They both got the most right. They were proud. I was relieved that they both won. I am sure I wouldn't have heard the end of it.


 We have a dress up box at co-op that the kids pull out in the afternoon. Alex wanted me to help get him all dressed up as an army guy.


We started some poetry memorization this week. It is a review product from IEW. The boys are loving it so far. I am enjoying doing it with them too.

image Aaron started golf club. He really enjoys this. It's the only sport that I have found that he likes so far.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost