Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life around here lately: robots, outside, grammar, and much more!

I was thinking I didn't have much to post about, but then I started going through the pictures from the last week or so, and realized that I had a lot! So... it's long, and I'm sorry, but this is just some of the life that has been happening around here lately. 

We've had some pretty amazing weather this Fall. There have been days where it has been just amazingly warm, dry and sunny. This day I just had to get the kids out of the house and moving! We went to Centennial park, took whatever wheeled contraption they picked, and walked a few loops before April's piano lesson. I'll have to remember to keep better track of the time because it made us almost 10 minutes late. Oops! It was just so nice, I wanted to stay all afternoon.

Just WOW!


 Aric was working on prepositions one day, so we pulled out this Word fun book I got last year with curriculum. It's a great way to explain grammar concepts, and it even has a fun game after each section.


I love how it uses real life scenarios, and colorful pictures.


 There are plenty examples of what prepositions are. I even found it helpful to refresh my memory!


 I think I finally found a kid that likes worksheets! Alex worked on a few dice rolling games, and even asked for more. I love that he likes this kind of stuff.



Alex also discovered how to draw trains. He has been drawing train after train. They are all Thomas of course. He has really taken to coloring and drawing lately.


April had her Young Women in Excellence program at church with her young women group. She had the value Faith, and got to display how she is helping her faith grow. The color of faith is white so she found a few things to display that were white along with her display.


Aric decided he wanted to take notes while reading his science this week. I couldn't believe it. This is the boy who hates writing, but on his own he willingly took his own notes. His writing is in need of improvement, and I've got to figure out how to get him to stop flipping letters. But, this made my homeschool Mom heart happy.


We made it to OMSI last week.  I took this picture, that was it. The end.


I have this amazing little girl that I teach at church. She's in my class of about 5 children. Actually, all of them are amazing, but this one in particular is so sweet and giving. She makes these little notes and pictures for me almost every week. Melts my heart.


There was a full moon last week. In the morning when I took April to early morning seminary, it was so big and beautiful and visible. This picture hardly caught the "wowness" of it. It was amazing to look at, and felt so close because of how big it looked.


Last Friday at the homeschool group time we had the opportunity to try out the new library robots. The children's librarian had just received these as a gift to the library, and wanted to try them out on our group first to get a feel for how they would work with the general public.


The robots are called Dash and Dot.


 They were able to play with the robots in groups, and taking turns.


After the group time we go downstairs as usual to play games, and look for books. There was some pretty intense Jenga building going on apparently.



Speaking of games I finally printed a Minecraft multiplication game to play one morning from Royalbaloo. I've got some Minecraft crazy boys, so I thought it'd be a fun start to our day.Great multiplication practice for sure!


 Okay, finally done. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost