Life this week...
It was a week of snow and ice. Tuesday there were forecasts of snow expected from Salem to Portland. It hit Tuesday night up in Portland, and dumped a LOT of snow. By Wednesday morning
we had a fair amount, but not nearly as much. After that it never got warm enough to melt, and turned a lot of areas icy. We spent many days watching the news, and forecasts, expecting canceled events, and school closures. Not that the school closures really affect us directly, but they do affect us. They affect us because if school is out then we have neighbor kids knocking on the door wanting to play (as if the snow itself wasn't enticing enough for my kids to have a snow day). Also, April goes to an early morning seminary class, and if schools are canceled, so is that. She had one day of seminary this week. She was sick 2, and 2 were snow/ice days. Also, Michele's work was shut down on Wednesday, so we had an extra day with Daddy home. That was a fun treat. It was a weird week, fun in some ways, but really off in a lot of ways because of the snow. In any case it was just beautiful and white.

I took the little boys for a walk on Thursday morning because I just had to get out and enjoy the beauty.
In our homeschool this week...
Nothing exciting to report here. It was a "get the basics done" week. We did however make Minecraft cookies one day for a special project. I just love how
Almost Unschoolers uses cookies for so many fun lessons and projects. I decided we needed to finally give one a try. We did her
Minecraft Mosaic creeper cookies, but she also uses
cookies for math lessons and so much more!
After we got all our supplies and cookies ready (she has a great tutorial about how to do this on her blog, so I won't go into the process here), we laid everything out so the kids could create.
Alex was the first to be at the table. He was very excited for this sweet fun.
Aaron decided to try a 3D version by making several layers. Pretty creative.
Aric's finished creeper.
I even made one, and ate it too! Ha!
Places we went, and people we saw...
We had the usual lessons, violin and cello. April was also happy to get back to orchestra after the winter break. She always counts the days down for going back to her orchestra rehearsals.
We saw all these fun faces for Alex's birthday party. All but 2 friends that he invited made it to the party. It was crazy fun.
We had to take April up to the imaging department at the hospital for a procedure on Friday morning, but I forgot she was supposed to have an empty tummy. Well, she got a donut from her seminary teacher, but I had to make her give it to one of her brothers, so I promised her donuts after. We stopped and got donuts on the way home. They were delicious.
What we read this week...
Well, this is something
I read. I found this great little book through a
craftsy class. I started a crochet class, and the gal who was teaching it, recommended this book that she wrote as she was emphasizing that it's ok to make mistakes! It's ok if you don't like the outcome! I loved that. I put the book on hold through my library, and have loved the first few pages that I have read. It really speaks to my perfectionist side that prevents me from trying to create. Good book. I love to be creative, but constantly feel like I can't make anything that looks great, so this is very encouraging for me.
Speaking of creative things...
Art we did this week...
We had an art history class down in Salem. I did it along with the older kids. It was about Picasso, and we painted a Picasso. Not as easy as it looks.
Left: April Center: Aaron, Right: Mom (me) |
I think that about wraps up our week!