Monday, January 30, 2017

Missed that post Monday: Happy New Year 2017

Welcome to the first edition of "missed that post Monday!". I regularly just don't get around to posting something important in the time or season of life that it fits, so I came up with this creative little alliteration to help me out :) It makes me feel better, and hopefully makes it seem a little less out of place.  Anyway, here it is the end of January, and I wanted to share our new year's eve fun before it's gone.

So onto the post...

We had a fun new years celebration. Nothing special, just a fun evening of being together. Although, April wasn't there for most of the night. She had a dance at church.

Our night included some nerf fun. Shooting at the shining Happy New Year sign proved to be a big hit.


Lots of bad for us food (and some good).


A glow light dance party (it has become a tradition).


And, staying up until midnight to share a glass of sparkling apple cider (or pomegranate in this case).


Making loud noises with noise makers.



It was a fun night with the boys. This is one of my favorite pictures, and the first one of the new year!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost