Thursday, September 21, 2017

Let's Go Geography (A REVIEW)

Let's Go Geography

I have always dreamed of exploring the world without all the work it takes to get there, or in the case of homeschooling all the work it takes to round everything up just to study a country. Sometimes this busy homeschooling Momma needs one less thing to get together, and an open and go curriculum just sounds really nice. That's why I was pretty excited to find a geography curriculum for kids that would let us just take off and explore. Let's Go Geography has made it easy to find a country and explore through maps, crafts, books, flags, videos, and more with simple laid out lessons.

Let's Go Geography

This geography curriculum is an online subscription that you can have access to anywhere with an internet connection. Once you have a subscription all the lessons/countries are available to choose from, and you can download them at anytime. You can start at the beginning or jump around. There is also an email sent each week with the next country up for study to remind you where you are going next (if you choose to go in order). We started from the beginning with the United States, the Northeast region.

Alex, age 6, coloring his map for the map work.

Each lesson is broken up into sections. The sections consist of mapping, flag, music or video, exploring, and coloring or crafting. To begin we are encouraged to make a travel journal for each child so they can put all these maps, flags and other things they do throughout the lessons in one place. The flags are glued to a sheet (as pictured below) over time, and they are pretty small so several can fit on a page. Unfortunately my printer wasn't working very well during this review, but the flags print in a  way that the children can color them in with the correct colors. My kids improvised since they know the US flag pretty well.


There were a few things I really like about this curriculum, and one of them was the book recommendations. All the lessons we did had only one book suggested, which can be good or bad. I liked it because I didn't get overwhelmed about gathering tons of books. Also, the lesson takes you straight to the library call number of the book suggested. I found this to be very simple and helpful.

A book we picked up from the library about the Northeast. Our library didn't have the book suggested, but it had something close.

The next thing I really like about this curriculum is the simplicity of the pages. There is a lot of white space and pictures and different fonts in colors  to easily be able to follow through the lesson without feeling like there's a ton of reading and searching to get through it. But, even though it's simple, there's a lot packed into a lesson. The lessons basically walk you through studying the country. It's easy to break it up into separate days, or do it all in one day too.

Let's Go Geography
We received Year 1 for our review, but there are 3 years total for a full world-tour (see a schedule sample above) and complete geography curriculum. Although each year in itself has quite a bit of great places to study.

If you would like to see what others had to say about this product you can click on the banner below.

Let’s Go Geography {Reviews}
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  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost