Did you know that we're studying football right now? Yes, football. My boys are always asking me the rules of the game, and I just really don't know how to play it either. So, I figured it was about time we learned! I decided to use
Amanda Bennett's unit study on Football to guide us since I had it from a few years ago when I had the idea to study football, but we never got around to it.
That leads us to what this post is about...
We had a special opportunity last Saturday to attend a Beavers (Oregon State University) football game.
I had been contemplating taking all my boys to a football game to watch live. In fact I was planning to take them to a local high school game, but our neighbor offered us 2 tickets for a Beaver's game that he couldn't use because he had to work. I was happy to take those tickets off his hands! I had even contemplated a Beavers game for all of us but it was just so expensive for something I wasn't sure the boys would like. This was a great opportunity for us to see if they'd like a college football game or not. But, which kid and which parent got to go? There were only 2 tickets!
The night before the game prep. I had to round up all our Beaver gear, and jackets. We planned for cold, but it ended up being beautiful and sunny. |
We asked all the kids who they thought should get to go. It was surprisingly easy. They all decided that Aric was the most interested in this football thing, and said he could go.
Grabbing some lunch before the game. |
This kid was pretty excited the few days leading up to the game. The excitement didn't end when we got there. There was so much to see and do before the game. Lots of excitement in the air!
Outside of Reser stadium in Corvallis, OR |
We had seats way up at the top of the stadium. Seats number 205 and 206. We had to go up 2 huge escalators, and walk on this terrace that went around the building. It was pretty high, and we both felt a little woozy at first as we are both a little afraid of heights.
Aric was a little scared about walking on the terrace to get to our seats. It was pretty high. |
It took a little bit, but he was okay after a few minutes until we got to our seats where we had to climb almost all the way to the top! This picture doesn't quite get the full effect, but these seats were steep and high. I was a little unsure Aric would be able to sit there. He was pretty nervous at first, but after about 10 minutes we both adjusted, and our brains finally figured out that we were ok, and we could actually look down at the game without feeling scared.
The marching band had a pretty awesome pre-game performance. They have a huge marching band! and color guard.
Before we came to the game I had dreamed of getting a selfie of us with the field in the background. There was no way that was happening from our seats. I don't think he or I could have fathomed turning around in those seats. We were securely sitting with our backs to the seats! This would have to do.
Oh, and we didn't buy much as far as food and snacks. This is the land of 6 dollar drinks and 4 dollar water bottles! Yikes! I went ahead and bought him a souvenir cup though. He loved that thing. He also had a pretzel that we shared.
I sat there during the game watching this black balloon looking thing. It pretty much stayed right there the whole game. It swayed back and forth a little. I was wondering the whole time what it was. A camera maybe? I kept expecting it to fly away, but it just stayed there. After a while I figured it must have a purpose. My only guess was a camera to catch some things from up high?
On the way back to the car after the game we just enjoyed looking around at all the beautiful fall trees, and the different things around camps. I pointed out some of the places I used to hang out in between classes, and answered a lot of questions he had about how college works. I think he wants to go here someday.
It was a beautiful day. Driving through Corvallis, and walking through campus brought back so many memories of our early marriage, and when April was born. I used to push her around campus in her stroller between classes, and would take her up to her Daddy in his hall while I was in class. I treasure those days, and kinda miss them. But, I am thankful to see how we've grown over the years.
It was a special day with this guy. I love that one on one time with the kids. They are such different people sometimes without their siblings. I think he had a good day.
By the way, he wants to do this again.