Monday, October 9, 2017

Missed that Post Monday: Columbus Day fun

This is some Columbus Day fun we had a year ago. Yep, I know, I really missed that post. It has been sitting as a draft for a year! But, I thought it'd be fun to get it up for today since it is the day!

I love looking back on what we have done. It reminds me that we do actually get some fun things in with our schoolish things. At this time last year we were reading Pedro's Journal as a read aloud. I had some coloring pages for the boys to do while I read. It looks like this particular worksheet is from Activity Village, and that website no longer offers free stuff. So bummed about that!


We made marshmallow "ships." The boys had fun cutting out their sails and adding them to toothpicks.


Alex's completed boats...


We drew some pictures of the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria...


These are Aaron's drawings. Pretty good! I remember though that he only did it to complete the task. He didn't really want to do it, hence the pirate flag. He was being a little rebellious.


We painted pumpkins, and made a paper plate craft. The boats can wiggle! I can't remember if I found that somewhere or if I made it up.



I am not sure what we are going to do this year. Maybe we'll be explorers and go for a walk somewhere and have a little nature exploration.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost