Thursday, October 5, 2017

Channie's Visual Handwriting (A REVIEW)

 Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks

I have a 1st grader that knows the basics of writing his letters and numbers, but are they always the same size and shape? No. Sometimes Usually he writes really big letters, and when I tell him to write smaller he goes super small. He just doesn't quite know how to make his letters consistent and legible every time, so I jumped on the opportunity to review Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks to help him. What appealed to me was an alphabet writing book that has visual cues to help place letters more accurately and improve handwriting. The crew was given the opportunity to pick one of 5 different workbooks, so I chose Easy Peasy Alphabet for my little guy to try out.

Channie's Easy Peasy Alphabet Workbook

This book is pretty simply laid out. It is a consumable workbook that looks like a "pad" of writing sheets with different letters to practice for grades PreK-1. The pages are thicker, which I like because sometimes my kiddos like to write in marker so they can see their lines better. I didn't have to worry about the marker going through as much (as long as it wasn't a really thick marker, it could still show through if you pushed really hard).

In this book each letter is practiced, and then after all the letters there are numbers to practice writing. For each and every letter the first 2 pages of the letter are tracing pages, then the third page is blank except for the first letter example so the child can practice on their own without help from the tracer lines. The box guides are on every page.


So, what sets this apart from any other handwriting workbook? The writing boxes, and boundaries. This is what drew me to want to try out this particular alphabet letter writing book. My guy hates writing letters, but he really needs some boundaries, and this workbook really helps him. He can see the space with the shaded part where his lowercase letters should be, and he can see the space that should be between letters. He can see the space below where letters should extend if they need to, and up above if they are upper case or just a tall letter. It also encourages neatness just by the virtue that there is limited space.

As I mentioned earlier we had a choice from several books from Channie's. So, what other books do they have? I didn't not receive the following books, but there are other crew members that have. I thought I would just mention them here.

Well, they have a My First Letters workbook for PreK-1st. It has pictures to go along with the letters.

Channie's My First Letter for Pre-K - 1st

There is an Easy Peasy Cursive Workbook for 1st-3rd grades.

Channie's Easy Peasy Cursive Workbook

And, this Math One Page a Day workbook looks great for helping kids line up math problems. For 1st-3rd grades.

Channie's One Page A Day Double Digit Math Problem Workbook

I really like the simplicity of these books. No teacher's manual, no instructions other than to simply follow the guides and stay in the lines. It's some great practice for handwriting for homeschool or even non homechoolers. If you want to see what other review crew members had to say about Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks you can click on the banner below.

Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks {Reviews}
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  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost