Monday, April 30, 2018

Science Saturday: STEM activities from the week

I know it's not Saturday anymore, but I didn't want to miss sharing some of the science activities that we've been up to. It's mostly a lot of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities that just happened without much thought throughout the week.

Aaron did a presentation to his co-op class on how a quadcopter works. He typed it all up on his laptop, and did an awesome job in explaining how it works. The boys were all fascinated. I was too, and even learned a few things.


Alex received this "curriculum" from his charter school on Tuesday. Well, we finally went out to pick it up from the school. They are magnetic wooden blocks called Tegu. I got the Travel Pals Whale set, it is similar to this one. These are spendy blocks, but I have always wanted to try them, so we gave it a go with some extra curriculum money that had to be used up.


He loves them. He played with them most of the time while we were at the school. The magnets are pretty strong, and they make some fun designs. 


I restocked on kinetic sand recently too, so this was out for a few days. Most of the kids played with it. I put the geometric shapes in there, and they had fun with making the 3D shapes.


We played a game to get familiar with the periodic table. I am not sure where I got this game. It's awesome though. We played through it once on Friday afternoon. I think we'll pull it out again this week.


Aric did a live hour long coding class for a review on Friday morning. He wanted to join the class and do more. He really liked it. The review will be up later this week!

CodeWizards HQ class
That's all for science Saturday!


  1. I'm quickly visiting - and hope to be able to sit and read your posts this upcoming weekend, but I just wanted to say that I just posted something on my blog but didn't want you to think I was abandoning ship with 52 lists. I've just been seriously struggling with how to handle a situation and trying my best to make the best decisions. I promise to be back to visit and catch up. I've been far too busy for my liking and slow is a necessity very soon.

  2. I just tried emailing you but it bounced back ....I'm trying here:
    Hello Desiree!

    It has been a little frustrating, but my husband is super cautious with internet while he is active in law enforcement and does not want the new facial recognition technology to store information on us, so I’m needing to sort of disassociate from places where I have publically shown our faces in pictures.

    .... my brain is swirling .... these are options that I have pondered and was putting it out there if someone wanted primarily the “design” of the blog, etc.

    a. One could run two blogs, but yes, I agree that would be a lot, and where I am myself :)
    b. It could be run as only Olive & Plaid with the matching graphics/blog/IG and everything just turned over new person
    c. I could give admin access to O&P and then redirect the O&P site directly to somones blog and create new 52 lists button with your current blog name
    d. One could run the 52 lists only, and I would just close down O&P completely

    PLEASE NO PRESSURE – I was merely just tossing it out there and rather than just only have 52 lists posting each week, I wasn’t sure if someone wanted a new design, etc.

    Blesings on your day!

    1. That's weird that the email bounced. I will have to check the email associated with my blog profile I guess. Good to know.

      I understand what you are saying about needing to keep more private. I am really tempted to take it over, and keep the 52 lists going, but I think I'm going to have to pass for now. I really have a lot to keep up with already. If you decide to keep 52 lists going on O&P then I will still link up, otherwise I'll just let it go. No worries whatever you decide to do! It was fun, but I am fine either way you go.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost