Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: Spring!

I am enjoying all the beauty and fun that comes with this time of year! Here are a few shots of recent events.

I finally got a good shot of all these beautiful blossoms right now. To see a tree that looks like it has just exploded with blossoms is so stunning


One of my boys found this hidden rock outside of the Sherwood ice rink the day after St. Patrick's day. It's from a fun Facebook group called "Hillsboro Rocks!" All the way from Hillsboro! They make some pretty amazing painted rocks.


Easter weekend fun!

We headed to Bauman Farms and Garden for their Easter egg hunt. They had cookie decorating for $1.


It was a fun little egg hunt!


 Linking up to Wordless Wednesday.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost