Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The things that keep me up at night {52 lists} #16

Oooh, the things that keep me up at night.... let me count the ways! I have insomnia, so despite the fact that I'm exhausted my body just won't let me sleep at night when I'm supposed to. There are a lot of things that wake me up, or keep me awake when I am trying to fall asleep. They include:

  • Worry (#1). This is probably my number one cause for all my lack of sleep. Usually it's a worry that I wake up startled to and just can't let it go unless I get up and try to shake it off. Or, when I'm going to bed, I just lay there and think and worry about everything.
  • Bad dreams. I would rather not dream at all. It wakes me up, and leads me to my first item, worry.
  • Blogging (#2). I have to admit I do a lot of catching up on blogging in the middle of the night. It just works for me, especially when I have insomnia.
  • Chores. This one is rare. Even though I'm up, I don't usually do too many chores because I just don't have the energy. I will often just switch out the laundry though.
  • Homeschool prep/planning (#3). I can often be found at the computer researching, putting books on hold, and getting ready various homeschool plans.
  • Kids. I have boys that come and wake me up almost every night. They are older, but they still come and say they are scared, or just need some loving. Other times it's sickness too.
  • Snoring. Certain household members might snore rather loudly. It keeps me up.
  • Hunger. I get midnight empty tummy rumblings sometimes that I can't seem to just ignore. This doesn't happen very often. Usually I just ignore my empty stomach, and I'm fine. But, sometimes it just really keeps me awake, and I feel like I would be able to go to sleep better if I just put something in my stomach like a piece of toast.
  • Birthday party or holiday fun. I have spent many Christmas eves awake being excited and getting things ready. Or, if I have some special decorations or plans for a birthday the next day I will get those ready while the kids are sleeping.
I put a number next to my top 3 things that keep me up at night, number 1 being the most frequent reason. Now I am off to sleep on the couch, which is my landing place on nights like this when I can't sleep.

I am linking this up to:

52 lists with Olive & Plaid

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost