Friday, June 1, 2018

Blogging Through the Alphabet: D is for Dave and Buster's

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Pinterest abc fun for a little family/birthday fun this week. Aaron just turned 12, and for his birthday he chose to skip a party and invite a friend to a family fun outing at Dave and Buster's. He has been wanting to go here for a while to check it out. None of us had been before, so it was a first for all of us!


The friend he invited is also homeschooled, so we were able to go during a weekday at lunch time. It was pretty quiet! And Dad was able to take a long lunch and meet us there.


It's basically a huge arcade with a lot of loud games, and a restaurant. We had planned to eat lunch too, so we did that first. We did 4 of the eat and play combos so all the boys could have a game card to use to play games. We let the birthday boy pick his card first, and everyone was able to get their favorite design on the card. It's nice when things work out without any arguments as to who gets what.


While we were waiting for food the boys walked around to look at the games, and scope it all out. They didn't end up playing anything before lunch came because they were all so unsure where their precious tokens should be spent. By the time lunch was eaten they were finally ready to start playing. Alex played this Jurassic game several times with Aric. He loves dinosaurs.


Alex showed me this tipping bloks game. If I had a card I might have played this one.


Aaron was pretty much at this Star Trek coin pushing game most of the time. This is the game he really wanted to play. We all played this one at some point. It definitely has some addictive traits. It is kind of fun though.


It's both frustrating and challenging at the same time. You just want to get all those coins knocked down to the next shelf so they fall down to the hole. But the push isn't always as strong as you think it's going to be.


Some of Aaron's loot from the Star Trek game. All of those are worth tickets, but he ended up not cashing them in. He and his friend decided they wanted to collect and keep them.


I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I thought I did. I was too busy watching them play. It was a nice birthday fun outing. The next boy who is having a birthday in July is trying to decide if he wants to do the same thing or have a party. I have to admit I kind of like the no party route. It is so much easier! Parties can be fun, but very stressful for me.


Join us on our Blogging Through the Alphabet journey. Link up below, and check out what the other co-hosts are featuring for their abc blogging.


  1. I've never heard of Dave & Busters ....but maybe because my girls were never really into arcade type games :)

  2. Wow - I haven't even seen a Dave & Buster's for years! I think it was probably 20 years ago when we last went to one! Glad he had a good birthday.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost