Monday, February 18, 2019

Another round of ABC blogging through the alphabet!

I am excited for a new round of ABC blogging starting this week! This time we are field trippin' through the alphabet. I probably have enough pictures and field trips from the past 5-10 years already, but I am hoping to TRY to share a new field trip each week going in ABC order. I am sure there will be weeks where we just don't get to it, in which case I have plenty of field trip reserves, but I am excited to get some new field trips and learning opportunities under our belts over the next few months.

Thinking back on the field trips we used to take in our early years of homeschooling, we used to go on some pretty awesome trips...

Suspension bridge on hike in Oregon

And see some pretty neat things...
Tanks at Evergreen Air and Space Museum

Some field trips were just for fun and play...
Bubble room at the Gilbert House in Salem, OR

 Some field trips were child specific...
April's first visit to the American Girl store

Some field trips we have taken are a once in a lifetime experience...
Huge dock washed ashore from the Japan tsunami

Some field trips are so packed full of new information, and yet so fun...
Rosse Posse Elk farm in Mollala, OR

There are field trips that involve a day at the beach, and an adventure...
Oregon Coast quest

And, some field trips we get to see new people and cultures...
Summer reading program, Wilsonville library

I feel so lucky and blessed to find so many great field trip opportunities for the kids. I am looking forward to finding some more as we field trip through the alphabet.




  1. I love field trips and sharing new opportunities. I am looking forward to your posts.

  2. What amazing memories you are making! We have a few trips under our belt, but not an alphabet worth.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

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