Tuesday, February 12, 2019

LEGO movie 2: why you should see this one


We love Legos around here. 

That's for sure. 

What's even better than Legos? Fun movies made entirely out of them. We loved the first movie, so it was a bit exciting waiting for this one to come out. One of my boys was especially excited about going to this one in the theater. Me too. I do love to see a good movie in the theater, and this one made the cut as we don't always see movies in the theater unless they look like it's worth the money.

So, I made plans to go to our favorite theater in Canby, Oregon (it is by far cheaper, and not usually super busy) on Friday, November 8 at 1:30. I planned it during the school day so that it wouldn't be too busy, and opened it up to all our local homeschool group. Thankfully, one Mom and 2 of her kids showed up. It's always more fun with friends.

As expected, the theater was nearly empty. I think there were 2 or 3 other adult pairs or families. We got to sit up in the center. I let the kids each pick a candy box at the counter, so we proceeded to eat way too much candy.


The movie started out pretty much right where the first one left off, and continued on with a great story and dialogue between the real life brother and sister through their Lego playing imaginations.

The Sister wants to play with her brother.

She plays differently, and sometimes gets into things she shouldn't.

Brother gets upset.

Toys suffer "armomageddon" (they get put away because Mom is done with the fighting).

Brother comes around.

They play together.

All this happens through the eyes of the Legos in the Lego world while the kids are playing with them with glimpses of what's going on in the real world home.

Such great messages, and as a Mom of boys who love their Legos many of those scenes were very familiar. I have to admit I might have even had some watery eyes at one point. Not saying this is a sappy movie in anyway, just some Mom tears as I could relate so much to how things played out between the kids.


As far as the Lego storyline of the movie goes it was a fun one. Of course the Legos made up their own interpretation of the events happening around them.

Life became desolate and hard since the arrival of the "aliens" that kept coming to destroy anything nice they made.

One of their own gets taken by aliens.

Emmett leaves his world on a mission to save his friend.

He finds the "systar system" where she was taken.

It's a whole new world.

They learn what the aliens really want.

It's a fun plot with many of the names of things referring to something in the real world, but pronounced differently. Definitely a funny upbeat movie.

A Lego build to go with it...

I had picked up these special Lego Movie 2 sets a while back for this special occasion. They built according to the directions first, but then they decided to do an alternative build (a build of their own creation with the pieces from the set.

Taking apart the original build to build an alternative scene.

Alex built a flying wheeled contraption, grouping them all together.


Aric made some Segway's for his spaceship friends, along with a flying ship of some sort...


A better angle so you can see the segways. As you can see this is not the original intention for this set they were just having some fun.


If you can't see it in the theater, definitely rent or buy it. It's a fun one that I think kids and adults will enjoy alike.

Oh, and Target will be having a LEGO movie 2 event in their stores this Saturday, February 16, 2019 that looks super fun too. It might be happening at a Target near you! I know we're going to try to make it.

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