Friday, October 11, 2019

Toy Story 4 and pancakes

We had a fun family movie night complete with a pancake dinner to match! Even though we had seen it in the theater, Toy Story 4 was just a great movie, and I couldn't wait to have a fun movie night at home when it finally came out on DVD. Knowing that this movie was going to be out soon I thought I should really make it a fun family night. A few weeks ago I was a guest at an online Pampered Chef party, and I saw this Toy Story 4 pancake mold set and other stuff and thought it would be perfect for our fun night when we finally got the movie. I ordered, and the stuff arrived just a few days before we picked up the movie from the store. Thursday night was the night we finally had some time to do it!

This scraper. I just love the forky character.


It was Alex's night to help with dinner, so I recruited him to get started mixing up the pancake batter. After he mixed that all up it was time to put the molds on the griddle and start cooking. We had never used these before, and I'm pretty sure we got the batter too thick, but it worked anyway.


Then we waited! Our first batch was definitely too thick, and it even got a little dark because I had it up too high. He loved doing the pancakes this way though.


After they were cooked we used the special stencils on each one to sprinkle powdered sugar on for the details. Alex thought this part was equally as fun.


After everyone had their own set of pancakes the chef finally gets to eat his own. He put syrup and whipped cream on his. Sugar overload, but it's okay for this special fun night.


Finally, after all the powdered sugar that was all over the table and floor was all wiped up, it was time for the movie! And it was still just as funny as the first time.


That was one successful family movie night!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost