Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The 52 lists project: list 26


List the things you would change in your life right now if you could

(Writing this list with the current world events in mind, and the fact that a lot of stuff is still closed and has been for several months)

  1.  I'd move. I don't hate where I live, but our house is small, and I really just want to move to the middle of the forest right now. Away from everything. 
  2. I'd attend the temple more. I plan to when it opens back up.
  3. I'd visit friends more. I miss being able to just drop by someone's house and visit for a while.
  4. I'd gather more/have more get-togethers. I miss gathering. I never realized how special it is to gather for whatever reason.
  5. I'd visit museums more. We actually started doing this before the shut-down. We were trying out new ones, and I had several more on my list.
  6. I'd visit the zoo more. We bought a pass last December, and I intend to use it as much as possible when we can.
  7. I'd go to the movies and bowling. These are two things that we usually do during the summer. I'd love to have those back.
  8. I'd enjoy every second of physical church more.
  9. I'd start a business. 
  10. I'd travel more. This is something I'd like to do in general. Not necessarily related to anything going on right now. Although a lot of travel is still difficult.
  11. I'd camp more. Just something I'd like to do more in general. We don't have enough time to get out as much as we'd like. This is becoming possible again though! More campgrounds are opening up.
  12. I'd like to spend more time outdoors.
  13. I'd be at the library as much as possible. I miss just being able to browse and hang out.
  14. I'd get a puppy. This one is just a general "I'd like to change" this about my life.
  15. I'd read more. I just need more time in the day for this to change!
  16. I'd finish the bathroom we're remodeling. A lot of factors have led to the halt of our bathroom remodel over the last few months, but hopefully, we'll get back to it soon.
  17. I'd organize everything in every space. Again, all I need is time.
  18. I'd get new carpets or flooring. 
  19. I'd sew a quilt
  20. I'd spend more time with each person in my family, one-on-one, and especially the hubby.
  21. I'd spend more time learning and teaching the gospel
  22. I'd change my eating habits
  23. I'd be better about exercise


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