April has been getting fun things from the University of Oregon. The excitement is really building up. She's looking forward to starting. They sent her a poster, microwave popcorn bag, stickers, playing cards, seeds for flowers, and a few other little things. I'm glad they are sending her fun things like this. She'll start mid-September.
Homeschool this week...
Thinking Tree books. I discovered these books just recently and I really like the ideas behind them. We have our first 2 books and have started on them this week. One is for me and one is for Alex. I have more on the way so Aric will have one soon too. I really love them so far. Alex does too. I am hoping they are a good fit for us.
One of the pages that I worked on. I did get my mom-time basket going too! I discovered that I've always kind of had one just not all in one place! It was nice to get everything in one place.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We finally got our boat out of storage and ready for a day at the lake. Lake day was on a Thursday because we just don't dare to try to go on a weekend. It can get pretty busy. It's much more enjoyable when there's not a lot of noise and boats everywhere. Thankfully it was pretty quiet, and it was a beautiful day.
The only kid that wanted to get on the tube this time was Alex, so he's sitting in a 3-man tube all by himself. He still had a blast though! I rode with him once. Maybe we need to go with some friends.
We took a picnic lunch to eat on land in the nice picnic area at Foster lake. We just park the boat and bring our food up into the trees. it's such a nice peaceful area.
Other than tubing or eating we also swim. We just anchor the boat and swim off the boat. Alex loves this, and it's always the first thing he wants to do.
My favorite thing this week was...
Looking at the moon through a telescope. It's pretty amazing to see the moon in real life. Even if it is through a telescope. We could see so many details, even craters. Alex absolutely loved it. He loved it so much that he invited the neighbor kids out the next night. They all loved it.
And, making moon sugar cookies. This wasn't really a planned activity. I had made a batch of sugar cookies last weekend and never got around to making them into anything, but I really needed to get the dough out of the fridge. I wanted something quick and easy. I decided to just make circles instead of some cool shape like I was hoping to do (I just wanted to practice decorating them), so I decided circles could be easily made into moons for the kids. They loved it, and they ate them all week. Even the neighbor kids. I was worried about having so many moon sugar cookies. The kids took care of them, so no need to worry!
My kids' favorite thing this week was...
If I asked him he might say looking at the moon, but I'm going to say his 2nd favorite thing (for the sake of something different) is going to be the glow light swim we had in our pool. It was pretty spectacular. He loved it so much that he didn't get too cold from the excitement.
Things I'm working on...
I'm working on plans for the school year. I've been trying to avoid it, but now I have to start as it's inevitable that school is starting for everyone around us soon, and some of our other classes are starting back up. Time to prep!
Random things the kids worked on...
Alex decided one day to sort the big bag of gumballs into color combinations. It all started with the yellow and green (Oregon Duck colors) for April to admire. Then he decided to do some other fun ones. Fun project!
What we're reading...
One night when we were looking for a book to read at bedtime Alex said he wanted more picture books. We had a lot more chapter books at the time, but for some reason, he just hasn't been as into chapter books as I thought. When he requested more picture books I jumped on it and requested a bunch. He has started reading again.
All of our libraries are still not fully open. They are pick up only, for the most part, so everything has to be put on hold. One of our libraries has started making some grab-n-go bundles at the entrance. You have to take the whole bundle which isn't a problem at all. It's actually kind of fun. They had the whole series of these Library Mouse books, so I grabbed it. There were like 5 books in the stack, and Alex loved all of them. They were really fun to read together.
Movies we watched...
April and I watched the new Little Women movie. Now I want to go back and watch the old one again. I also really need to read the book. I want to compare it. It was a pretty good movie though!
I'm cooking...
I got to try out a Bosch mixer this week for the very first time. Sure it's really old, but it was still fun to try! April found it at a 2nd hand store for only $8. She wasn't entirely sure how well it worked, but we told her to get it anyway. She brought it home, we cleaned it up and tried it out. Mike made the pizza dough for our Sunday pizza day, and I made cinnamon rolls. I have to admit I wasn't impressed. The dough stuck to the sides, but it might have been because it was a small batch. Mike's dough mixed up pretty quick and efficiently. He made a lot more dough than I did. We'll have to try some other things out. I am pretty happy with my Kitchenaid, but it's fun to try this out. I've wanted to for a long time. I have some friends who swear by Bosch mixers over Kitchenaid.

I'm grateful for...
The new season headed our way...Fall or Autumn. Whichever you like to call it. I think I really like calling it Fall.