Monday, January 22, 2024

My Weekly Notebook: Week 3--tired!



Life this week...

By the end of the week I was just tired. Tired of the ice and cold, tired and unmotivated, tired of being cooped up inside, and tired of being bored. I'm looking forward to a new week. I don't know if I'll be less tired, because lets face it, I'm always tired! But, I think next week we'll be mostly back to normal.

Homeschool this week...

We ended up being home everyday for most of the day all week due to ice. So no outside classes or breaks. These weeks are hard and very unmotivating. We did however get something done each day, and we started back up reading The Princess and the Goblin.

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

Look for fun holidays to celebrate to make your homeschool days more interesting. I discovered that it was "Winnie the Pooh" day on the 18th this week and was able to add in some fun things to our days. Here is an extensive list that has so many extra holidays: Holidays and Observances dot com

Places we're going and people we're seeing... 

I took a few walks. I really want to get outside every single day and document it, but haven't been able to get out every day because...rain. I don't like to walk in the rain. I should probably just find a way. Here is a picture of the sky one day.


A few of our favorite things this week...

My favorite thing this week was building a skate rental shop out of LEGO for my roller skating rink that I'm going to be making. It came together better than I thought it would, and I'm feeling more confident about making a rink than I was before.

Things I'm working on...

  • I'm still building the Harry Potter Hogwart's LEGO castle. Halfway done with this.
  • I'm wanting to get back into some other crafts like my diamond art projects, cross-stitching, and possibly quilting.

Something I accomplished...

I did yoga two mornings. My goal is every morning, but everyday I find every excuse.


What we're reading...

This would be where I'd list all the many books we read this week, but we didn't really do a lot of reading. I am still reading the Addie LaRue book and we had our read aloud, but that was about it.

Movies/TV we watched...

I watched Namu. I saw it featured at the orca exhibit at OMSI a few weeks ago and checked it out from the library. It was definitely a slower '60's movie, but I thought it was fun to watch.


I also watched Christopher Robin and loved this little scene from the movie. It so reminds me of my kids anytime I am trying to get something done. Also, the first time I watched this with my kids they loved doing this in the car for a long time afterwards.

Outdoor time...

We are only up to 8 hours. I feel like the more I want to get outside, the less we do. It just doesn't happen naturally anymore. The kids don't gravitate naturally to parks, or playing outside anymore. Although Alex did go out and play in the ice/snow with the neighbor kids for the first time probably since summer. It was so nice, and I counted it!

Games we played...

I can't believe we didn't play any games! But, like I said, I had zero motivation this week with being stuck inside.


I pulled out my Pooh minifigs from a set to get a picture for "Pooh day" aka A.A. Milne's birthday. I love celebrating birthdays, even if it's just an author of a classic book.


I'm cooking/eating...

I had to cook way too much being stuck inside all week! Just kidding, I don't mind cooking a lot, but I don't remember what I made. I know I made Beef Stroganoff and Chicken fajitas. Those were probably 2 of my better dishes from the week, and the rest was just survival.

Something that worked out great or didn't work out for us this week...

The ice totally didn't work out for us. Or did it? We didn't lose power and we had everything we needed. I consider that working out for an ice storm considering last major ice storm we lost power for 5.5 days. So, I guess both?

I'm grateful for...

How much doing these weekly posts help me review the week, and how they help me see what we need to work on more throughout the week and how much we really did accomplish.

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