We are still looking for creative ways to help Aaron get interested in reading. He loves stacking cups, and this idea has come across several times. First it was mentioned to me by my sister-in-law, and then I saw it on pinterest and a few blogs. So, we finally gave it a try. It's so simple to put together. I still had to help him with a lot of the words, but he got a few. The idea is you stack the cups as they say the right words. I wrote all the sight words he has been learning up 'til now to see what he remembered.

He really enjoyed this tower building activity. He is all about building after all!

And, do you see that front top tooth almost ready to come out?? A homeschool blog friend mentioned to me in her comment that for some reason when those two top teeth come out that seems to be when a child picks up on their reading. Could be an old teachers tale, but I'm hoping there may be some truth to that. We shall see!
Thank you so much for this idea! We are definitely going to try this in our homeschool!!