HomeSchool Scholastics, an i4 Learning Company sent us their WAY Comes Home Kit to review. There is a lot packed into this hands-on health curriculum. We received the WAY Parent Guide, WAY Comes Home DVD, WAY Grades K-1 Student Journal, WAY Grades 2-3 Student Journal, WAY Grades 4-5 Student Journal, the art cardstock pack, WAY Comes Home to MyPlate booklet, and a kit full of equipment to help with the experiments and activities throughout the curriculum. Things that were included in the kit are a stethoscope, scale/balance, fingerprint pad, baskets, foam balls, and more. We received a lot of little fun things in this kit. Oh, and an eye chart, which my children thought was great fun.
I started by reading through the parent guide which gives a brief introduction. It talks about the lesson layout, the different themes for each level, and other resources that can be used such as a booklist of books to checkout from the library. There are suggestions for how to use the vocabulary words as well. Then in the parent guide it goes through each lesson with tons of ideas and things to do.
This curriculum is split up into 3 different levels, K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. We were able to use all 3 journals that they sent us, but let me tell you trying to do all 3 levels was too much! Within each level there are suggestions for the other 2 levels if you have older or younger children. I highly suggest picking one level and using the extras to go up or down because there is so much to do in one level already. Although all my boys loved watching all 3 levels on the DVD.
Within in each level there is a lesson on the DVD to watch, journal activities, hands on activities, an art project, a pray and reflect idea, and even stuff to do over the Weekend. The journals we got had an additional blank cover so the children could decorate it how they want. Then it opens up to the page pictured below. My kids really enjoyed decorating the cover, and I think it is great how this health curriculum really tries to help the individual child get to know themselves, so that they can learn to be the best healthy person they can be. Health encompasses a whole lot, but starting with the individual and who they are and what they need to do is really the best place to start.
What do I think about this curriculum? Overall, I think it is a great choice for an introduction to health for the elementary school age. There is a lot of great information and activities that you can pick and choose from in each lesson. I particularly love the DVD because anything that introduces what we're learning in a fun way on the screen has my children's attention from the start. I like that the levels each have their own theme: K-1 is a "health safari", 2-3 is a "me mystery", and 4-5 is an "innerspace mystery." Each of those themes are very fitting for my boys' ages. I am looking forward to continuing to use this throughout the school year as we study the human body this year, as it will be a great time to talk about what goes into our body and how to keep it healthy.
If you want to see what others had to say about this great health curriculum you can visit them by clicking on the banner below.