Sunday, August 21, 2016

My homeschool Mother's Journal: Week 1 back to it

Life this week...

This was kinda our back to school week. I say kinda because we did just a few things. We can't go full bore until they get their curriculum from the charter school at the beginning of September, so we are just using some Five in a Row, and review products that we're still working on for now. I have lots of plans that I hope to be able to share soon. Things such as curriculum choices, and the things coming up this school year that I hope to do. For now I have to leave it at that, sorry! Some things are still in the works.


In our school this week...

We attempted to row The Salamander Room this week since we saw a lot of Salamanders/newts in the water at the lake while camping. I have to say I love Five in a Row, but I don't. I just keep trying to do it, but I just fizzle out after the first few days. I just can't get it going again. I am not sure how much I will use it this year. I think it's time for me to move on.

The things we did get to were pretty fun, and probably sufficient for this book.


We started out the week making buggy parfaits. These were fun and delicious. I couldn't hold these off because the kids saw all the yummy treats I brought home from the grocery store to make them, so we ended up making them on Sunday afternoon before we started the week.

On Monday we had some nature study/notebooking time while we read from the Handbook of Nature Study about Salamanders.

Alex drew his "Salamander" from the Draw, Write, Now book. In the book it's actually a lizard, but we pretended he was drawing a salamander.


Here's his completed salamander. I am hoping to use the Draw Write Now books a lot with him this school year. It will be part of his curriculum.


This is Aaron's notebook page. He narrated some of his words to me.


Aric's notebook page and narration.


We stopped somewhere to take a little nature walk, and do a nature scavenger hunt. No salamanders here though, the creek was all dried up.


We've been watching the olympics on and off throughout the last few weeks. I printed up this Olympic Sudoku for Aric to do with math one day.


We worked on our balloon solar system for our Apologia astronomy science lesson. Review coming soon!


Something new this week...

We had the fun opportunity to take care of four kittens until they found their homes. It turned out to be the hardest thing letting the kittens go. Lots of fun, but lots of tears by the kids who really wanted to keep one. We were all sad that we couldn't keep one. Their names were Oreo, Mittens, Mr. Chicken, and unnamed (can't remember what we ended up calling him). It was fun to see their different personalities.





Something I accomplished this week...

First off, I don't have a picture of it, but I managed to get up every morning early so I could get my scripture study and quiet time in before the kids wake. I really LOVE that time. It was hard some of the days, but on the days I did it I sure felt more complete and ready for the day. I would definitely prefer to read my scriptures and study in the morning than the evening, so I am hoping to make this a priority this school year.

I also managed to get a whole month of the menu planned out. I have a friend that made this menu printable up, and gave some tips on planning for a whole month of dinners. I tried it out even though we are halfway through August. I just did half of August and half of September. I need to do one of these for lunches. I have found a lot of things I need to change for next time, but this was a great start, and I'm excited to get better at this. Also, note that even though I put pizza for every Friday night, it will be some variation of pizza whether it be frozen, homemade, Papa Murphy's, etc. It also leaves room for an extra night that we can adjust if we go out or something comes up.


I think that about wraps up our week. Here are links to some of the things I used this week:

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for quiet time in the morning and menu planning!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost