Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Homeschool Mother's Journal: Week 2

Life this week...

April passed her driver's permit test! She had her first driving lesson on Tuesday evening in the parking lot at our church. It was definitely crazy seeing my daughter behind the wheel. I'm happy and scared at the same time. I didn't have to sit with her this time, her Dad gave her the lesson, but I will soon. Yikes! She did pretty good for her first time though.


Adjusting the seat, and learning about all the stuff on the inside of the car.


April didn't like the crazy picture lady (me) taking her picture so much.  This was the "MOM!" look.


Of course we all had to come watch her first time, sitting safely outside of the car :) Just kidding, we didn't want her to be too distracted.


Lap 342...


Ok, she didn't really do 342 laps, but she went around quite a bit. He even got her to go out on the real road. I could tell it took some convincing because they sat at the driveway exit for some time before she went.

School this week...

Our morning meeting basket
I am starting to set the rhythm for our school days by slowly adding back in things. We added back in "The Morning Meeting" more regularly (almost everyday). It is the start to our school day, and gets us going, so I really enjoy doing it. Sometimes it's the 'doing it' that is hard, but we did pretty good this week. I made an effort to sit down with the children for meeting even if we only had one thing to do. This week our basket included Bedtime math, Scripture stories, a song, and some reading.

Since we have been starting to structure our days more, I thought I'd share what our day looks like. It is a very good day when it looks exactly like this, and we get everything done.

Our school day:

  • Around 5:30: I wake up, read scriptures/quiet time for Mom
  • 6:20: Take April to Seminary at church
  • 7:20: Pick April up
  • Eat Breakfast, get dressed, ready for the day, exercise/movement if there is time
  • About 8:30: morning meeting
  • ~9ish: Start into our school day.
  • 12:00: Lunch time
  • 1:00: Rest/quiet time. Everybody in their own space doing something quietly, or if I'm feeling like it a movie.
  • 2:30: Afternoon creative time. Projects, nature walks, life skills, finish up any school work and screen time after everything else is done.
  • 4:30: Chores for everyone to help get the house spruced up before Dad gets home.
  • 5:30: Dinner
  • 6:30: Family time
  • 7:30: Bedtime routine starts--PJ's, reading, and prayer
  • 8:30: lights out for kids
  • I spend the rest of the evening doing things that need to be done, spending time with Hubby, or blogging/computer stuff.
Someday that might be more refined, but it works for us right now.

Something Fun this week...

We finally got to see Disney's The BFG. As soon as I heard this movie was coming out, I knew it'd be one that we should try to see in the theatre. We read the BFG aloud last summer, and the boys really liked it. The movie did not disappoint. I think we all enjoyed it very much.


Something I accomplished this week...

I got all the boys' school books ordered that we get through the charter. I still have some things I need to order through Sonlight to complete it all. I am excited to get all their books so we can get started for the school year. We get to pick up our charter curriculum orders this week at orientation.

Places we went and people we saw...

We had something going on almost every evening this week. Tuesday evening was a planning meeting for our local homeschool group, Wednesday was Mom/daughter time at her Young women's night, and Thursday night was a cub scout pack meeting. Saturday we had a nice date night, and April went to a church youth dance in the evening after our date. It was a pretty packed week!

I think that about wraps up the highlights from our week.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost