Friday, May 19, 2017

Captain Absolutely (A REVIEW)

Focus On The Family

This is one of those reviews where a child has personally asked me to "get that review." He looked at the cover of Captain Absolutely from Focus On The Family, and was immediately interested because it looks just like many of the comic books that he reads everyday. With 3 boys in the house I thought we should give it a try.

 Captain Absolutely

We received a soft cover, physical copy of Captain Absolutely. My 8-year-old son, who requested this book, checked the mail faithfully everyday waiting for this book to come. As soon as he opened it he dug right in, and read most of it in one sitting. The second sitting he finished. It was a quick read for him. While I didn't read the whole thing, I skimmed through the book, and read the the first part of it, and I found it to be humorous, and actually okay for a comic book. The story weaves scripture, and truth throughout, but not in an overbearing way. When there is a nugget of truth, the scripture reference is very small next to the word bubble. That's all. Very simple, but it's there. I could see that being a fun challenge for a boy who would like to know more.

Book Synopsis:

There are two men working in a library. There is an explosion from the computer that turns one into Captain Absolutely, who discovers the Bible, and the other becomes Dr. Relative, who becomes his enemy. Captain Absolutely is called to help in the city of Metropolitanville, like any superhero would, when there is danger in the city. He also finds that he also needs to defend truth and the Bible.There are also character descriptions in the back that explain all the characters details. Along with the characters there is also a page of "Big questions" that go along with some of the things that happen in the book, and the pages are referenced. I think these would be some great discussion questions.


Interview with Aric:

Mom: "What did you like about the book?"
Aric: "I liked the fighting"
Mom: "What did you think about the story?"
Aric: "It was okay"
Mom:  "Will you read this book again?"
Aric: "I would, but I usually read the whole book, and sometimes skip to the good or interesting parts the next time."
Mom: "Who would you recommend this book to?"
Aric: "I would recommend this book to probably kids 7-10"
Mom: "I agree"
Mom: "What was your favorite part of the story?"
Aric: "My favorite part in the story is the first time that Dr. Relative and Captain Absolutely fight."
Mom: "Why?"
Aric: "I don't know why, I just like it."
Mom: "Are you happy with the outcome of the book"
Aric: "A little"
Mom: "Could you expound on that?"
Aric: "No"

Well, that's about the best I could get out of him.  In reading other reviews though it looks like this book could be well read up into the teens, and I think I would agree with that. It's got a lot packed into a comic book, and could be good for discussion too. I wasn't able to get my older by who is almost 11 to read it, but I think he may someday. He is just not a "bookish" kid. I am hoping that changes someday, and will keep this around for him. Same with my 6-year-old. I might read this to him, but haven't gotten him interested yet since he is so young. I am happy to add this great book to add to our collection.

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Captain Absolutely {Focus On The Family Review}
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1 comment:

  1. Mom: "Are you happy with the outcome of the book"
    Aric: "A little"
    Mom: "Could you expound on that?"
    Aric: "No"

    Ha! That made me laugh. :)


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost