Monday, May 15, 2017

Q is for Qwirkle

I am just getting so behind on these game posts! The problem is that I like to play the game with the kids before I post about it, and sometimes they just don't want to play the particular game that I want them to play, even though they've played it before and usually love it. And then, there is life, that happens too. Sigh!

Well, better late than never, here is Qwirkle! Our letter Q game to continue our abc theme.


This can be kind of a slow game for the younger crowd, but my 6 year-old is starting to enjoy these longer sit down games. He didn't always enjoy this game before. We also discovered that it is a keep the score game. They enjoyed it more when we actually kept the score. I don't know why we missed that before!


He still needs some help sometimes. He will ask me if he can use certain pieces, and other times he figures it out.


The purpose of the game is to make lines with all the same color or all the same shape, and it works kinda like crosswords where the intersecting pieces have to still make a line going both ways. 

IMG_1974 Sometimes it's fun to just play with the pieces too. They are fun little squares with fun colorful shapes on them. They make great sorting pieces for preschoolers too, which is how we used the game for a long time when we first bought it. I love that he's excited to play it now.

IMG_1975 And that wraps up the letter Q!

I missed the link up 'again', but normally we would link up to:

A Net In Time Schooling

Here are my past abc game posts:

A is for aggravation
B is for Bingo
C is for Chess
D is for Derby
E is for Evening of Games
F is for Face
H is for Hullabaloo  
I is for It 
J is for Jenga  
K is for Kitten (coming soon)
L is for Laser Maze
M is for Math
N is for Nothing yet (lol, I need an N!)
O is for out 
P is for Pictionary (coming soon) 

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost