Sunday, March 26, 2017

J is for Jenga


This week's abc blog post is the letter J, so I picked Jenga for our family game of the week. We love a good game of Jenga over here. We have played it many different ways, some just plain old fun, and some for learning.

One time we played to practice multiplication...


We play and talk about books with our special edition of Jenga for "booklovers"... (I love playing this one)...

June 8, 2015~ played while camping
We have played a giant version at a farmer's market during the summer...

July 16, 2015
And, we play together for any ol' game night just for fun...


Our Jenga game is well loved, and I believe we've had it since we got married. It doesn't even have the box anymore.


It has been used for building towers, counting, even one block has a smiley face because we used it for a baby Jesus one Christmas. They are handy little blocks, and make for a fun family game.


I am linking this up with:

A Net In Time Schooling

Here are my other abc posts:

A is for aggravation
B is for Bingo
C is for Chess
D is for Derby
E is for Evening of Games
 F is for Face
H is for Hullabaloo  
I is for It


  1. Jenga is a great game! I like your idea for practicing multiplication.

  2. That's such a fun game. My bigger middle loves the physicality of all those tumbling sticks. I think he is torn between knocking them over on purpose and his desire to win!


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost