Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Homeschool Rescue (A REVIEW)

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

I am noticing a trend, no that's not the right word, maybe a plague, yes that's the right word, in the homeschooling world right now. Among my homeschool Mom friends there seems to be a common thread among our conversations right now. It is this, we are tired, stretched thin, and some are not sure if we can do it anymore. Or, just questioning what we are doing, a lot. I am feeling it, and I can tell a lot of Mom's in my co-ops and close groups are too. I don't know if it's something in the air, but I do know that I have needed to refocus and regroup. This review of Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity has come at the perfect time for me, and I feel it maybe be great timing for many other Homeschool parents out there as well. It really breaks down much of the homeschool lifestyle, and helps you to figure out what's going on.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

Homeschool Rescue is an online course for you, the homeschooling parent. There are several modules broken down into lessons. Each lesson has a short video where Heather (the creator of this program) talks about the topic, shares quotes, encourages you, and gives homework. Yes, there is some homework with this course, something with each lesson. But, it's all so so helpful! There are even links to books and websites that are recommended to help with each lesson as well. There are many easy to download printables. Also, there is an awesome 60-day course plan/calendar to follow and helped keep me on track.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

For this review I was given full lifetime access to all the modules, and access to a private facebook group where I could find others who are also taking this course to chat about things that we are learning, needing help with, finding mentors, and support. The lessons are self-paced, and can be done on any computer or device.

This is an example of the printable workbook pages for one of the first lessons. These really get you thinking! This course is very hands on!
One of the homework assignments worked us through a mission statement. I've never had a homeschool mission statement. Never really even crossed my mind. We were encouraged to work through finding our mission statement as a family, but I did it on my own first because that is where I am at right now. I love what I came up with, but may do this again with the children later in the summer. I am curious to see what they come up with together. Here is mine:

"We are dedicated to seeking and finding knowledge and truth through great opportunities at home, church, field trips, or classroom. We can accomplish many great things through dedication and hard work."

I have been homeschooling for many years, and I found this course a great challenge. A good challenge though, it got me thinking. It was full of great reminders, and information that I have forgotten over the years. I took pages of notes for each lesson, and am looking forward to going back through them. I only made it through 2 modules because I really wanted to take the time to do each assignment, and do it right. I really wanted to think and mull about things. In fact, that is what Heather encourages you to do in many of the lessons. She really emphasizes that "it's okay to take this course at your own pace". I am thankful for that, and I am looking forward to continuing this course over the summer as I get ready for a new school year. There are some hard realities to face when you look at your own homeschool ups and downs.

I have really enjoyed this course so far, and I highly recommend this if you are feeling tired, worn out, confused, unsure, overwhelmed, or even if you are just starting out. This is for anyone on the homeschool track. It helps to know you aren't alone, and you can do it.

If you want to see what others thought about this course you can click on the banner below. You can also find Homeschool Rescue at these other social media sites:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/OnlyPassionateCuriosity/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/opchomeschool
Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/OPChomeschool/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/onlypassionatecuriosity/
Goggle+:  https://plus.google.com/b/110290451358830656260/+OnlypassionatecuriosityHomeschool

Homeschool Rescue {Only Passionate Curiosity Reviews}
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