Wednesday, June 23, 2021

LEGO ABCs: L is for Legoland

Here we are at the letter L for blogging through the alphabet. For this week I will be sharing a trip we took to Legoland a few years ago, and my co-host Chareen will be sharing Life Skills in Your Homeschool.

Before we get started let's have a glimpse of last week's letter K posts:

Okay, onto the letter of the week! 


Back in 2018 we found a great deal on year passes to Legoland California Resort. We don't live close, but we decided it would be worth it to buy the passes and make the journey down there a few times over the course of the year. We had fun making the trip down twice that year and going for several days while there. So many great memories! This post has been a walk down memory lane, and now I want to go back!

Our family's 6 passes, one for each person. These got us into all of the attractions, including the water park.

Legoland does have some great resort hotels to stay in, but we didn't stay in those. They were a bit too spendy for our family of 6, so we stayed at local hotel only about 5 minutes away. It was nice and they had a super yummy breakfast every morning. The boys loved this so much.

Having the hotel breakfast each morning before we headed to Legoland for the day was so much fun for these boys!

After we parked it wasn't a far walk to the front gate. It looks so fun seeing the Legoland signs.

Our family walking up to the entrance.

Arriving at Legoland for the first time was pretty neat. We didn't know quite what to expect, but the entrance was really cool.
Our family picture at the entrance (I think this was actually at the end of one of the days since we forgot to take it in the morning)

One day the cousins came to join us (they live down in the area). They all had a good time exploring together.

Our kids and their 3 cousins.

One of the first things we saw as we walked in was the Ninjago world. Actually, first there was a HUGE Lego store. Then we saw all kinds of fun giant LEGO Ninjago characters, and rode the Ninjago ride.
So many cool statues made completely out of LEGO!

One of the coolest parts about Legoland is the minifig trading. If you bring a minifig to trade, you can trade with any of the Legoland staff that have minifigs they are willing to trade back with you. The kids were hooked on this and this almost became the focus of our days. They can trade as much as they want, and they found some pretty cool minifigs! It was such a fun part of our visit.

Minifig trading was so fun. This was a trade that the boys scored, but I'm sure this one got traded eventually when they found a better one they wanted.

Another cool part was finding Lego minifig characters to take pictures with. We ran into Hot Dog man, Unikitty, Emmett, and one of the Ninjago characters.

Alex with Hot Dog man

April and Alex with Unikitty.

There were so many giant statues made completely out of LEGO pieces. These were incredible and fun to look at. Some were seen on rides, and some were seen just walking through the park.


This particular LEGO statue was in the waterpark area.

The rides are for the most part made for kids. Not a lot of huge roller coasters. There are a few of those, and of course they rode those over and over again, but the big kids even had fun on some of the less thrilling rides like this fire station race for example. These two cousins worked as a team to put the fire out first.


The water squirts out at the fire target in the windows as the fire/police truck moves forward. It's a fun race.


Miniland USA

There are several cities recreated with LEGO's that are there to look at. It's really cool to see the details.


I don't remember what each one is, but I know there is San Francisco, New York, and New Orleans. These buildings are huge!


With the boys next to the buildings you can see how tall they are.


There are some landmarks made of LEGO...


They had a whole Star Wars miniland when we were there, but I believe they were getting ready to remove all of the Star Wars statues and stuff after our visit. 


The Taj Mahal made of LEGO was cool. It was jokingly referred to as the Taj Masmall by our tour guide on the "coast cruise" ride that we were on.


There is a whole section at Legoland dedicated to the Friends (girly) sets. One boy hated walking through that section. We challenged them to sit with the Friends statues. They were not the happiest about that, but took the challenge.


This knight statue was situated outside the LEGO castle where the Dragon roller coaster was. It was fun to see these fun things all over the park.


One last thing...

They have LEGO sets of Legoland California. We have a set of one of the rides that I talked about in this post. It's the Fire Academy water squirting ride. It's a fun little set. One of the boys built this one.



That's our trip to Legoland in a nutshell! I have way more pictures of course, but it would be an incredibly long post to add all of them. I hope you enjoyed seeing our visits to Legoland. If you get a chance to visit, I highly recommend it.

Now it's your turn to share! Please join co-host Chareen and me as we blog through the alphabet and link-up below:

LetterL mainabcimage

**Rules for linking up:
  1. Your post must be family-friendly. We have the right to remove any posts that are inappropriate. 
  2. When linking up you agree to give us permission to share your post or a photo in any future blog posts and social media shares. 
  3. Please link back to the host or co-hosts blog, and use the image if you want. 
  4. If you can, check out a few other posts in the link-up and leave some comment love. 
  5. Please, make sure your posts relate to the alphabet or blogging through the alphabet in some way. Evergreen content (past posts that relate) is also welcome. 
  6. The link-up will be available for one week for each letter. 
  7. Last of all, have fun. If you can’t join for one week, don’t stress. Just join next time, and enjoy!


  1. Legoland looks so cool! Sorry I missed last week...

    1. No worries! I was wondering where yours was though! I wonder if summer is going to be harder for people to join the link-up. I hope not, but I understand how busy and crazy summer activities can get.

  2. My daughter really would love to go to a Legoland. There is a small one a couple hours away and we hope to go there before too long. This looks just amazing!

    1. Ooh, you should go! It will be worth it. Even the small ones look pretty fun.

  3. Gack! I missed the cut-off!

    1. I will add it in Annette! Thanks for sharing it here.

    2. Okay, maybe not. I cannot figure out how to add a link after it has closed. Sorry!

  4. Wow! That's all I can say. Wow! I'm so glad you shared the pictures of your visit with us. I loved so many of them... the statues, Mt. Rushmore, and of course your boys sitting on the girl friends' bench.

    1. It was a lovely walk down memory lane! The memories are priceless.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

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