Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Nile river

We are loving "The Story of the World" history.

Making the Nile river was a blast!





She attempted to make the delta triangle at the end of the river, but it was kinda tough.  It turned out okay.  The "flooding" worked great.  She actually over flooded it and the dirt was swimming.  It's finally started to grow some grass now though.  Maybe we'll take a picture when it's all grown too!


  1. awesome! We didn't do that activity - I don't even remember reading about it. Story of the World continues to be a favorite of my girls.

  2. I also have a 5th grade daughter.

    We are also doing SOTW, but didn't do this project yet. We may go back and do it over the summer.

  3. Thanks for the visuals! We are working on this one today and I was hoping to find a pic of one already done....great!


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