Thursday, February 23, 2012

What the kids are reading

These are the current book favorites of the kids right now. 

Update:  I have added favorite quotes from each book since I published this post so that I can participate in book sharing Monday at Canadian Home Learning blog.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (book 1)
by J.K. Rowling 
April has finally decided that she likes Harry Potter.  I think a good homeschool friend who really likes Harry Potter has had a lot to do with it.  In any case she is about halfway through the 1st book, and she is really enjoying it.  For a long time she didn't have any interest in it because she did not understand a lot of what it was about.  Now she seems to be soaking it in.  It has made me almost want to pick up the books and read them again.  I printed some printables up from Activity Village for part of her school work today and she was very excited. 

April's Favorite quote:
"He pushed his trolley around and stared at the barrier.  It looked very solid.

 He started to walk toward it.  People jostled him on their way to platforms nine and ten.  Harry walked more quickly.  He was going to smash right into that barrier and then he'd be in trouble--leaning forward on his cart, he broke into a heavy run--the barrier was coming nearer and nearer--he wouldn't be able to stop--the cart was out of control--he was a foot away--he closed his eyes ready for the crash--

It didn't come...he kept on running...he opened his eyes.

A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people."

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)

Start saving, Henry!
by Nancy Carlson
Aaron has checked this book out for the 2nd time from the library this week.  He loves it so much that he has it memorized even though he can't read the words by himself.  It has inspired him to start saving.  He is always trying to figure out ways to earn money.  He loves the idea of saving, and I think this book has really helped him understand the concept so well. Oh, and it also introduced him to the concept of allowance, which we haven't ever done, but I've started to assign chores and give a small fee for so many chores done.  What are your thoughts on allowance?

Here's Aaron's favorite quote:
"He was down to five dollars.  'Henry, sometimes saving means not buying something, even if you really want it,' said Dad.

So Henry didn't buy that tube of bubble gum he really wanted."
Start Saving, Henry!

The Golden Egg Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
I pulled this out just a few weeks ago since Easter is coming up, but it's not really just an Easter book.  It a fun little book with a little bunny and an egg, and I just love the illustrations in it.  Aric has really taken a liking to it.  He wants to read it at least twice in a sitting.  This one makes me excited for Spring.

Aric's favorite quote:

"One day he found an egg...
What  was it?
maybe a little boy,
maybe another bunny,
maybe an elephant,
maybe a mouse."
The Golden Egg Book (Big Little Golden Book)

I am linking this to book sharing Monday:



  1. So excited April is enjoying Harry Potter! aysts rReve

  2. Hi! I changed the linky tool, I am hoping it works this time. Give it a try when you have a chance, please. Thank you :)

  3. Great choice of quote from Harry Potter!

    Thanks for linking :)

  4. It works so much better when they wait until they are ready for books like Harry Potter. They get so much more from it. Visiting you from the blog hop.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost