Friday, March 9, 2012

Be careful on pinterest!

Did you know that there are some blogs and websites that do not allow you to pin their things?  And, legally they can say don't pin, or else.  I didn't until recently.  I came across some blog posts and articles recently that have brought this to my attention.  It annoyed me at first.  A lot.  Mostly because I just didn't know.  I didn't see how it could hurt anything pinning someone's things since it links back to their blog, and it would bring people to their website.  If you want to know more about the whole situation you can go to this blog:  Corkboard Connections.  It's where I found this permission to pin button...

As I am going through all of my pinterest boards trying to find which pins are okay to have pinned, and which are not, I am finding it very helpful when a blog or website has a permission to pin that's very obvious.  So, you have my permission to pin here!  Not that I really have any great things that anybody would pin, but just in case...

Happy pinning!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost