Thursday, March 8, 2012

stART: Outer space

We have been doing a unit on space and the planets, so our story and art project this week went along with it.  I came across the book from Cat in the Hat's learning library called There's no place like outer space by Tish Rabe while searching for books to read with our unit study.  It's a new addition to our home library, and I am glad we got it.

Here is a glimpse of the inside.  The cat in the hat shows the children each planet, and a few other things in our solar system.
Our project was making the solar system of course!  I had a big foam poster board that we lined up planets on.  First we figured out what order the planets went in.  The board almost wasn't big enough for the planets we had!

April painted a sun, and Aric helped me do the letters. 

I found the printables for the planets here at 1+1+1=1.


  1. What a wonderful display of the planets! Great job!

  2. What an amazing project. The girls love Dr. Seuss especially The Cat in the Hat, this looks like a book they would really enjoy. Thank you for sharing and linking up to stART!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost