Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas fun--popcorn strings

This is quickly becoming one of our favorite traditions.  We made popcorn and cranberry strings to go along with the book Night tree.  This is a new story for us this year, and I have to say that I've got it in my Amazon cart now.  Definitely one I want to add to our collection!

The family goes out to the "forest" and finds their tree to decorate with fruits and food for the animals. 


We made popcorn strings last year, but thought it was a fun idea to add cranberries this year.


April decorated one of her bird feeders with her string.  She has a lot of birds coming by everyday!


Those little hands got tired real fast, and I ended up finishing his.



They look so pretty on the tree.


We'll put ours out for the birds after Christmas.  Or, maybe sooner.


We didn't make nearly enough strings to cover the whole tree.  Maybe when they're older they'll have more patience to do more.


Here's April's thistle feeder with finches all over it.  It was so fun to watch them this morning.  And, you can see her cranberry and popcorn string there.  We saw a few of the birds take a nibble at it.



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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost