Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for beautiful frost in the morning.
It has been a long while since I've taken the time to write up a thankful post.  I have had a few things that have been weighing on my mind this week in a very negative way, but I'm thankful that I have been able to find my thankful heart today.  It is amazing how much that really helps to get rid of those negative thoughts.

~I'm thankful that you can find obvious signs of Christmas at our house.  The decorations, the music, the fun activities.
~I'm thankful for plastic bins that hold toys.  I know it's simple, but as I was cleaning up today I couldn't help but think how thankful I was for this box to move all these toys out of the way when they are done being played with.
~I'm thankful for Christmas cards.  I get a little excited about them, and I love how ours turned out this year.  I can't wait to send ours out tomorrow.
~I'm thankful for Aaron being able to have his friend from Salem come over one day this week.  They had such a great time.  This is the first time that he's really had a "best" friend.
~I'm thankful for being able to drive by possible houses to buy in Salem, and feeling happy about Salem.  I don't know if that's where we'll end up, but I'm sure thankful to feel like that's the direction we should head now.  That narrows our search down a lot!
~I'm thankful for all the Christmas books and stories we can check-out from the library.  There is an amazing amount of children's Christmas books.  We have discovered a lot of new books this year, I'm thankful for that too.
~I'm thankful that Michele will be on break with us in 2 days.  We are looking forward to a fun few weeks with Christmas and New Years!  We are blessed to have Daddy home with us everyday at this time of year.
~I'm thankful that we could do a little Christmas caroling this week, and take cupcakes to a few friends.  It was our first year caroling, and the kids really liked it.  I'm thankful they were brave enough to open their mouths and sing, and that they wanted to!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost