Monday, December 2, 2013

Great wolf lodge

I have been MIA lately, I know.  I have so much to catch up on here on the blog that I've almost been avoiding it.  But, also I have also been taking the time to really enjoy my family over the month of November, and focusing on them.  I wish I could multi-task,  blogging and the family, but I just can't sometimes :-)

Anyway, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we are finishing it off with a super fun trip to Great Wolf Lodge.  I have so much I could be posting about, but I just really want to share this magical trip right now.  Otherwise I might not.  It's more fun to post when the feelings are fresh and memories are vivid, so I decided to get just a few of the picturesup that I could now.

 I had been looking for a deal to get up to Great Wolf Lodge for a while, but nothing was coming our way.  I was definitely itching to go with the family though.  Well, a friend bought 2 deals on livingsocial and she couldn't use 1, so she asked if anybody wanted it.  It was exactly what we were looking for!  So, we booked for the same day that they did because it worked for our schedule too.  It has been fun for April to have a friend to go down the slides with.

We left Monday morning about 10am without Aric's wand that we couldn't find.  Stopped for some donuts at Krispy Kreme on the way to have for breakfast the next morning, and arrived at around 1:30pm.  We had a fun day at the water park, and playing some of the Shadow Quest game.  It was a little hard for Aric who was very distraught that he didn't have his wand.  Now we're looking forward to another full day of playing tomorrow!  I'm also hoping to find a cheap swimsuit.  I didn't realize mine was so bad until I got it on today.  It's so stretched and worn!  I called a few local stores like Walmart and Target, go figure they don't sell suits in December.  I kinda figured as much, but was hoping that since they were close to this place they might.  Might make our way to a sporting goods store in the morning.  They might have something.  Here's to hoping!

Alex right before storytime.  He loves sitting in this cool snowy scene.
While we were waiting for story time he discovered that the water park was "over there."  He didn't care about story time anymore.
The clock tower show.  This is the first time we've ever made it to a story time, and I think this is our 4th or 5th time here.  The boys liked it.
It snowed!  They had fun bubble snow at the end while the song "let it snow" played.
This picture doesn't capture the snow real well, but it was pretty.  So fun!
Alex loved the snow!  He was totally into that.
After the clock tower show then it was finally time for the true story time.
At the end they got to meet Oliver Racoon.  There was some debate about what animal Oliver is.  We are happy to report that he is a racoon as was first thought.

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