Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What works for us: to do lists

Grab My Button

 I came up with a new way to list each child's assignments for the day that really has worked the best for us.  I've tried many to do lists in the past, and I just couldn't keep up with making them each day for each child.  Then I got to thinking what if I could have a visual for them to see that they are actually getting things done, kind of like the workboxes, but using less space.  Then I got the idea to use post-its.  I use them a lot already, so I made each child a sheet of paper with a page protector that has a to do side, and a done side.  I know high tech right?  I didn't even type it up, although I might make a fancier one someday, I just quickly threw this together one night for each child.


They love it!  My boys were so impressed with the fact that they could move that sticky note from the to do side to the done side.  Another added benefit that I just realized after using this system for a few months now, is that I can take the done sticky notes and put them in my daily planner so I can have a record of what they did each day.  I don't have to rewrite everything that they've done in my planner, and I won't miss anything.  And, if they do something extra that I didn't have down, I just jot it down on a sticky note and stick it on the done side so I can keep track of the extras (which they always do).


I am linking this up with Our Busy Homeschool's Sharing what works link up.

I love to see what works for others.  I find some great real-life helpful tips that way!



  1. Cute idea! My kids love sticky notes! Time to upgrade our chore chart! Visiting from the linkup.

  2. This will work perfectly for my two girls! Peanut's only five now but if I get her used to this she'll use it until she's ready to do an assignment sheet like her big brother and will be "used to" marking things done. My 3rd grader might just move faster through her assignments if I have her do this! What a good idea. Visiting from the link up!!

  3. Very fun! I've used index cards before but not post its. Thanks for linking up!


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