Saturday, February 8, 2014

winter nature walk

We finally have snow, and enough to really enjoy.  I thought we should take the opportunity before it all disappears to take a winter walk.  So yesterday we walked to the library!  I consider this a nature walk because there's nothing quite like walking in the snow.  The sights, the sounds, the feeling of the cool crisp air on your face.  I especially love the sounds.  It's amazing how wonderful and peaceful the world sounds with a thick blanket of snow on the ground.  The crunching of the snow as you walk. 

We brought our two sleds to pull books in, or the little ones as they got tired.  It was a great walk.  And, surprisingly tiring!  I found myself getting a little breathless at times, especially when I was pulling a sled.

As we started out on our trek.  It is so beautiful!

We saw lots of different tracks.  It was fun to try and figure out who or what the tracks belonged to.

I love to see how the snow settles on branches and objects.

So cute!  Loved that the sidewalks were covered so we could pull the sleds the whole way.

April found these snow covered leaves that reminded her of stars.  It's neat how a little bit of white changes the view of everything!

I probably could have taken a picture of every tree and branch.  It's so neat to see the layer of snow on the tops of them.

Alex did this pretty much the whole time.  He dragged his hand in the snow.  It was pretty cute.

More hand dragging.

Some snow covered berries.  Love the reds and greens against the white.

Finally, the library!  It was a warm destination.  As you can see Alex stripped off all his snow gear, and his socks and shoes.  I tried stopping him, but he's used to doing that at home from all the times they go in and out.  Pretty funny.

They had a lot of Dr. Seuss on display.  So fun.  Makes me excited to get into Dr. Seuss in a few weeks for his birthday.

 On the way home it started snowing again, so we walked as fast as we could.  It was a little colder too because it was getting windy.  Felt good to take a walk!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost