Sunday, August 22, 2021

S is for States (board games)

I am posting another ABC post this week to finish up my games blogging through the alphabet list from a few years ago. 

I have 2 games for the letter S: The Scrambled States of America Game, and Sequence States and Capitals. Both involve learning the about the States and Capitals of America. 

The Scrambled States of America Game

The Scrambled States of America is a fun, fast-moving game. Each player has a map for reference and it's used throughout the game.

A reference map for Scrambled States

Each player gets 5 state cards, and those cards have to be matched with a challenge card to win that state. The challenge cards have different things on them like: a state that is 9 letters long. The person has to say the name of the state and slaps that challenge card. It gets pretty intense, and loud. Whoever wins the most state matches wins the game.

scrambled states

Next up we have Sequence States and Capitals. If you've ever played any Sequence game, this one is just like the classic, but with cards that have capitals to match up to the states on the game board. April  (who is now in college) said that this game really helped her get her States and Capitals memorized.

Sequence States and Capitals

This game is basically like a bingo game. You get 5 in a row and you win. If there are only 2 players then you have to get two of the 5 in a row completed.


I love games. I especially love games that we can learn schoolish things from while having fun. These are both highly recommended and still played in our house. 

That's all for the Letter S board game! If you'd like to see the other Games I've shared with my ABC blogging game series, the list is here.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost