Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Speed Wheel Drills (A REVIEW)

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
Math Essentials

I can still remember the year and the teacher that I had when I memorized the times tables. She would have us come pass each table off as we memorized them. I am always grateful for that teacher and for the memorization she encouraged. I still remember those facts today. Helping my kids memorize them has been a different story. It seems year after year I am looking for something to help those facts stick in their brains. I think I finally found a great tool for that! Math Essentials has these great workbooks full of facts practice for Addition, Multiplication, and Division. We received all 3 for this review.

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Math Essentials Speed Wheel Drills! are soft backed workbooks full of these fact wheels to work out. The kids set a timer and start a wheel! It's that easy. Then they check it with the list of facts included in the workbook. My boys really enjoyed seeing if they could beat their previous times.


They did surprisingly well and got faster as they went along. 


We have not used the division book yet, but it looks like it could be very helpful with getting quicker at division facts too.


Learning and quickly recalling math facts makes math so much easier as children get older, which is why I feel they are so important. These Speed Wheel Drills are a fun and challenging way to help kids get them down fast. There are a few other things included in this workbook like "21 important math tips, and a little resource center in the back of the book that includes a math glossary. I've really enjoyed the simplicity of all of the Math Essentials books we've used, and these are nice and simple too. A quick and easy way to get the facts down! If you'd like to see what others have to say about these books, you can click on the banner below.

Master Math Facts with Math Essentials Speed Drills

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost