Wednesday, September 8, 2021

U is for Uno (ABC games)

How many UNO games do we own? When I asked myself this question, I thought maybe 2 or 3? Nope. In my short search I was able to round up 8. I am pretty sure there is at least one more in storage somewhere. I couldn't find that specific one I was thinking of.


Some of these different versions actually have different rules, so they are kinda fun. Not to mention the fun themes that you can have. The Toy Story version is vintage. I bought that one when April was real little. She remembers playing it when she was probably about 5 ish. 


We played Uno Dare! last night. I had forgotten how fun that one is. We had to talk like a pirate or talk to our belly button (which Alex didn't seem to care for). We had to balance cards on our shoulders. Lots of silly fun with this one.


What version of UNO would you like? (If it exists or not)

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost