Friday, March 25, 2016

Five on Friday #1

Instead of a weekly wrap-up this week, I am going to focus on 5 things from the week since it was our spring break week, and we didn't do much.

1. Playing Sorry with Uncle Marc...

Uncle Marc stopped by for a visit on the way down to Springfield, and the boys had fun playing a game of Sorry with him. It still puzzles me why they love this game so much. I was so glad that I didn't have to play this time. Uncle M. had a fun time figuring out all the directions to this game.


2. Michele celebrated his 40th birthday this week!

His cake wasn't much. He just wanted German chocolate cake, so we made about 2/3 of it regular chocolate so the kids would have some that they liked too. We also went to Red Robin for dinner, and called it a night. Writing this out it seems like not much. Guess we should have done more for his big 4-0 birthday. Oh well!


3. We made pretzels this week, finally!...

I've had Auntie Annie's pretzel making kit for over a year. I was actually kind of worried that it would be too old, and wouldn't work, but it did! I was thrilled. I was also surprised at how fast and easy they were. Why did I wait so long? I don't know. They were delicious though.


4. We had a dentist visit and a Dr.'s visit...

We just love our kids dental office. It's such a fun place to be both for us who are waiting, and for the patient. The kids get to watch a movie during their visit, and I was appreciative of the dental assistant coming out and asking me if it was ok for my son to watch a PG13 movie that he had picked (he is under 13). Of course it was a no. I just was so grateful for that.


On our way into the Dr.'s office these ducks were just hanging out in the parking lot. They were pretty adorable, but seemed to be lost. We weren't sure what they were doing. When we came out they were gone.


Alex had to get 3 shots, he was so brave. He did NOT want to go to the Dr, but he is healthy and happy. I'm so thankful for healthy kids.


5. We have tried to keep up with the daily events of the Easter story this week...

Each day we read what happened to Jesus Christ on that day during the last week of his life, and we add a symbol of that day on our mantle. We have palm branches, a donkey, a temple, an oil lamp (his teachings in parables), sheep, and easter lillies (for fun). I love how much fun Easter can be.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost